Mindy Kaling’s upcoming Netflix comedy series, set in the competitive world of professional basketball, has expanded its ensemble with the addition of five new cast members. Toby Sandeman, Chet Hanks, Fabrizio Guido, Keyla Monterroso Mejia, and Roberto Sanchez are the latest talents to join the star-studded lineup.
The series, still untitled, centers on Isla Gordon (portrayed by Kate Hudson), who unexpectedly finds herself thrust into the presidency of the Los Angeles Waves, a prestigious basketball franchise and family business, after a scandal involving her brother. As Isla navigates the challenges of her new role in the male-dominated sports industry, she must prove her competence and leadership to her skeptical family and colleagues.
Brenda Song, Drew Tarver, and Scott MacArthur round out the cast.
Fabrizio Guido steps into the role of Jackie Moreno, a devoted popcorn vendor at the Waves’ stadium. Jackie’s world is turned upside down when he is suddenly given the chance to rise through the ranks within his beloved team.
Toby Sandeman portrays Marcus Winfield, a seasoned athlete whose illustrious career has left him feeling disconnected and uninspired, much to the detriment of the Waves’ performance.
Chet Hanks takes on the character of Travis Bugg, the team’s flamboyant point guard with a penchant for distractions both on and off the court.
Keyla Monterroso Mejia embodies Ana Moreno, Jackie’s savvy cousin and a sharp-witted personal injury attorney always on the lookout for opportunities.
Roberto Sanchez rounds out the new additions as Stephen Ramirez, the formidable head of the Waves’ board, whose traditional mindset poses a challenge to Isla’s ambitions.
The series, consisting of ten episodes, is penned and executive produced by Mindy Kaling, Ike Barinholtz, and David Stassen. Kate Hudson also serves as an executive producer alongside Howard Klein, Jeanie Buss, and Linda Rambis. Produced by Kaling International in association with Warner Bros. Television, filming is set to commence in Los Angeles, California, with production scheduled to run until May 22nd, 2024. While an official release date is yet to be announced, anticipation is high for this dynamic exploration of ambition, family, and the world of professional sports.