The upcoming Borderlands movie has released its first trailer, showcasing a star-studded cast led by Cate Blanchett as Lilith, the outlaw leader on a mission to retrieve a treasure from a perilous vault on the planet Pandora. The ensemble includes Kevin Hart as Roland, Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis, Jack Black voicing the robot Claptrap, and others such as Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Munteanu, Haley Bennett, and Édgar Ramirez.
The trailer, set to Electric Light Orchestra’s “Do Ya,” exudes rock and roll vibes reminiscent of Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy. Despite not adopting the game series’ trademark cell-shaded graphics, the movie captures the essence of Borderlands with visuals aligned to the series’ humorous and quirky tone.
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The film, directed by Eli Roth and set to release on August 9, 2024, tells the story of Lilith returning to her home planet to rescue the daughter of the powerful warlord Atlas. Lilith forms an alliance with a diverse team, including a former elite mercenary (Roland), a feral pre-teen demolitionist (Tiny Tina), a musclebound protector (Krieg), a scientist with a tenuous grip on sanity (Tannis), and the wiseass robot Claptrap. Together, they confront alien monsters and dangerous bandits in their quest, with the fate of the universe hanging in the balance.
The Borderlands franchise, originating in 2009, gained immense popularity, and the film adaptation has been in development for nearly a decade. Eli Roth directed the movie, with Tim Miller overseeing reshoots in 2023. The trailer successfully captures the essence of the beloved video game series, promising an enjoyable experience for fans and newcomers alike.
As the release date approaches, fans can anticipate an action-packed adventure that combines sci-fi elements, comedy, and a stellar cast to bring the vibrant world of Borderlands to the big screen.