
Eddie Murphy Confirms ‘Beverly Hills Cop 5’ is Already in Development

Eddie Murphy and Jerry Bruckheimer Confirmed 'Beverly Hills Cop 5' is Already in the Works

“Beverly Hills Cop 5” is already in the early stages of development even before the release of “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F” on Netflix next month (July 3). In an interview with Variety, Eddie Murphy confirmed the development of a fifth installment, mentioning, “They’re developing it. If it comes together, we’ll be doing another one.” Jerry Bruckheimer added, “We have a couple of stories in mind.”

Murphy reminisced about the uncertain reception of the first “Beverly Hills Cop” during its initial industry screening in 1984. He recalled feeling anxious about its success, only to be reassured by John Landis and later by the positive reactions from a general audience. The original movie, which premiered 40 years ago, became a significant hit, leading to three sequels, with the latest set to stream on Netflix from July 3.

READ: Eddie Murphy Returns in Trailer for ‘Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F’

Despite the excitement surrounding the fourth film, Murphy admitted that filming has taken a toll on his body. He shared a humorous yet painful anecdote about injuring his knee while sleeping, highlighting the physical challenges of performing in his 60s. However, the anticipation for “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F” remains high, with early test screenings receiving positive feedback.

The franchise’s enduring popularity has prompted Netflix and the creative team to consider future projects. Although Netflix has not commented on the potential fifth movie, the enthusiasm from both Murphy and Bruckheimer suggests a strong possibility for Axel Foley’s return.

In addition to the excitement around “Beverly Hills Cop,” other 1980s action-comedy franchises are also considering new entries. Warner Bros. is developing a fifth “Lethal Weapon” movie, with Mel Gibson set to direct. The revival of these classic franchises demonstrates the lasting appeal of their beloved characters and stories.

As fans eagerly await the release of “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F,” the news of a fifth installment promises more adventures and nostalgia for audiences who have followed Axel Foley’s journey from the beginning.

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