Ernie Hudson, known for his roles in iconic films such as “Ghostbusters,” has officially joined the cast of the upcoming horror film “Oswald Down the Rabbit Hole.” Directed by Missouri-born filmmaker Lilton Stewart III, the movie is set to take audiences on a chilling journey into a world of dark Hollywood magic.
Hudson’s character, Oswald Jebediah Coleman, is described as a brilliant animator who finds himself trapped in a bone-chilling magical prison for over a century. Stewart, the film’s director, expressed his excitement about working with Hudson, stating, “I had a very specific vision for Oswald’s character and knew I wanted Ernie for this role from the start, as I’ve always admired [his] cinematic legacy.”
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“Oswald Down the Rabbit Hole” follows follows the main character, Art, portrayed by Topher Hall. Art is the grandson of Hudson’s character, Oswald. When Art and his brother, Evan, portrayed by Yasha Raysberg, go on a journey to track down his family lineage, it quickly turns into a bloodcurdling nightmare. They are transported to a place lost in time, shrouded by dark Hollywood magic.
“I am excited to work with everyone on this production,” Hudson commented. “It’s an incredibly creative and smart project.” The film, with a budget of $4.5 million, is scheduled to begin filming in the Spring.
Producer Bruce, from Lady of Light Productions, expressed enthusiasm about the project, stating, “Being a part of a first-of-its-kind film like this one is an honor and I can’t wait to showcase what we have in store for the movie.”
Ahead of Hudson’s addition to the cast, a teaser for the project was revealed. Watch it below.