“Parallel,” a 2024 thriller, emerges from the imaginative minds of a talented trio: Aldis Hodge, Edwin Hodge, and Johnathan Keasey. It stands as one of the latest dramatic science fiction thrillers, delving into the exploration of multi-dimensions and dimensional travel.” For years, science fiction narratives have explored themes of time travel, parallelisms, doppelgangers, and multi-dimensionality. […]
Browsing Tag: edwin hodge
Mike Epps, Mariama Diallo Join HBO’s 1980s Lakers Series As Richard Pryor and Iman
The HBO Lakers series has added four more to its cast. Mike Epps, Mariama Diallo, Carina Conti, and Max E. Williams round out (we think) the cast of Adam McKay’s HBO L.A. Lakers drama series. The untitled series based on Jeff Pearlman’s book Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the […]
Edwin Hodge, Ta’Nika Gibson Among 7 Added to Cast of HBO’s 1980s Lakers Series
HBO’s 1980s Lakers series has a very, very full cast and it has added seven more. Edwin Hodge, Ta’Nika Gibson, Rory Cochrane, Danny Burstein, Austin Aaron, Terence Davis, and Ja’Quan Cole have recently been added to the cast. The untitled series based on Jeff Pearlman’s book Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers […]