Netflix’s drapped the trailer to its limited series, “Painkiller.” Inspired by real events, the show explores the origins and aftermath of the devastating opioid crisis that has plagued America. The six-episode drama will premiere on August 10, 2023. With an exceptional cast including Uzo Aduba, Matthew Broderick, Taylor Kitsch, Dina Shihabi, West Duchovny, and John […]
Browsing Tag: John Rothman
Netflix Released First Look Images of Opioid Series Painkiller Starring Uzo Aduba
Netflix is set to premiere a new limited series called “Painkiller” on August 10, 2023. The scripted show is a fictionalized retelling of events that explores the origins and aftermath of the opioid crisis in America. The series focuses on the stories of the perpetrators, victims, and truth-seekers whose lives have been forever altered by […]
Uzo Aduba to Star in Opioid Netflix Limited Series Painkiller
Uzo Aduba is set to star in Netflix’s limited series Painkillers. She will star alongside Matthew Broderick, West Duchovny, Dina Shihabi, and John Rothman. Peter Berg will direct all of the six-episode series that will tell the story of the United States’ opioid crisis. Aduba will play Edie, an investigator leading the case against Purdue […]