Rachel Hilson is set to star in HBO Max’s upcoming period drama, Duster, alongside Josh Holloway. Set in 1972, Duster follows Nina, the first Black female FBI agent (Hilson), who travels to the Southwest in 1972 to recruit a daring getaway driver, portrayed by Holloway, in an effort to dismantle a growing crime syndicate. Keith […]
Browsing Tag: Rachel Hilson
Marsha Stephanie Blake, Rachel Hilson, Demetrius Grosse and More Cast as Leads in Kay Oyegun’s Therapist Drama Pilot for ABC
Marsha Stephanie Blake, Winning Time’s Rachel Hilson, Demetrius Grosse (Fear the Walking Dead), Never Have I Ever’s Sendhil Ramamurthy, Johnny Simmons (Girlboss), and Rahnuma Panthaky (NCIS: Los Angeles) are all cast as leads in Kay Oyegun’s therapist drama pilot for ABC. The drama centers on five therapists (Hilson, Grosse, Ramamurthy, Simmons, Panthaky) located in Philadelphia […]