CBS has announced the series order of several new shows for their 2024-2025 season, including a Matlock reboot featuring Kathy Bates, Skye P Marshall, and more. The new version of Matlock stars Kathy Bates as Madeline “Matty” Matlock, a brilliant septuagenarian who achieved success in her younger years. She decides to rejoin the workforce at […]
Browsing Tag: Skye P. Marshall
Skye P. Marshall to Star in Matlock Remake Opposite Kathy Bates
Skye P. Marshall has been cast as a lead in CBS’ upcoming drama Matlock remake. Marshall will star alongside Kathy Bates in the Matlock remake pilot. It’s a modern adaptation of the classic legal TV drama, originally starring Andy Griffith. Jane the Virgin’s creator, Jennie Snyder Urman and NCIS: Los Angeles star, Eric Christian Olsen […]