HBO’s upcoming crime drama series, led by Mark Ruffalo and created by Brad Ingelsby, has welcomed two new additions to its cast. Thuso Mbedu and Emilia Jones are set to play significant roles in the untitled Task Force project, currently in pre-production.
Mbedu steps into the role of Aleah, a Sergeant Detective recruited for Tom’s task force. And Jones joins as Maeve, Robbie’s niece, who has dedicated her life to caring for Robbie’s children. The series unfolds in the working-class suburbs outside of Philadelphia, portraying an FBI agent’s pursuit to end a series of drug-house robberies orchestrated by an unsuspecting family man.
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Brad Ingelsby, the creative mind behind “Mare of Easttown,” serves as the writer and executive producer for the series. Joining him in the executive producer and director roles are Jeremiah Zagar and the newly added Salli Richardson-Whitfield. Richardson-Whitfield will not only direct multiple episodes but also contribute as an executive producer, expanding her growing influence as one of HBO’s go-to directors.
The series is part of Ingelsby’s overall deal with HBO and is produced in association with wiip. Mark Ruffalo, Paul Lee, and Mark Roybal for wiip, and David Crockett are among the executive producers. Co-executive producers include Nicole Jordan-Webber and Jeremy Yaches of Public Record.
Thuso Mbedu’s credits include “The Woman King” and “The Underground Railroad” with Emilia Jones being known for her roles in “CODA” and “Locke & Key.”