Troy Winbush, known for his role in The Wilds, is set to join the cast of NBC’s drama pilot, Suits: L.A. This pilot, an expansion of the Suits universe by Aaron Korsh, features Winbush in a guest star role as Kevin. If the pilot gets picked up, his character will transition to a recurring role. Kevin, portrayed by Winbush, is a former FBI agent turned private detective and is an old friend and ex-partner of Ted Black (played by Stephen Amell).
Lex Scott Davis, recently starring in Ricky Stanicky, has also joined the cast, securing the female lead role as Erica Rollins.
Suits: L.A. revolves around Ted Black, a former federal prosecutor from New York, who, along with his old friend Stuart Lane (Josh McDermitt), establishes Black Lane Law in Los Angeles, specializing in criminal and entertainment law. Facing a crisis, Ted must embrace a role he previously held in contempt, leading to a complex interweaving of personal and professional lives among the characters. The show, not a reboot or revival but a brand extension, introduces new characters in a new location within the Suits universe.
Erica is a savvy and strong-willed rising star working for Ted Black, adding depth to the storyline as she navigates the challenges of the high-stakes legal environment.
Aaron Korsh, the creator of Suits, serves as an executive producer alongside David Bartis, Doug Liman, and Gene Klein, all of whom were part of the original series. The pilot is directed and executive produced by Victoria Mahoney, known for her directorial expertise.
As the pilot heads into production with Victoria Mahoney at the helm, Suits: L.A. aims to capture the essence of the Suits legacy while introducing a compelling new chapter to the legal drama’s universe. The series promises to deliver the same energy and appeal that made the original Suits a success, maintaining consistency within the established timeframe. While details about potential appearances by original cast members remain unclear, fans can anticipate an exciting addition to the Suits franchise.