Fox has finalized its cast for the upcoming medical drama series “Doc,” centered around lead Molly Parker. The series, based on the popular Italian show “Doc — Nelle tue mani,” has added Omar Metwally, Amirah Vann, Jon Ecker, and Anya Banerjee as series regulars. Additionally, Scott Wolf and Patrick Walker are set to make recurring appearances. The show is being produced by Barbie Kligman, Hank Steinberg, Erwin Stoff, Sony Pictures Television, and Fox Entertainment Studios, with production already underway in Toronto, Canada.
The Fox adaptation revolves around the character Dr. Amy Larsen, played by Molly Parker, the Chief of Internal Medicine at Westside Hospital in Minneapolis. Following a brain injury that erases the last eight years of her life, Dr. Larsen must navigate a world where she has no recollection of patients, colleagues, the man she loves, or the tragic event that led her to push everyone away. The series explores her journey as she relies on her estranged 17-year-old daughter and a few devoted friends to continue practicing medicine despite the significant loss of knowledge and experience.
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Amirah Vann joins the cast as Dr. Gina Walker, a neuropsychiatrist and Dr. Larsen’s best friend for two decades. Patrick Walker, in a recurring role, plays Dr. Theodore “TJ” Coleman, a 1st-year resident who is smart, kind, and dedicated to helping Dr. Larsen navigate her new reality.
Omar Metwally takes on the role of Dr. Michael Hamda, the new Westside Hospital CMO, bringing natural authority and intelligence to the character. Jon Ecker portrays Dr. Jake Heller, the dedicated and charming Chief Resident who continues to support Dr. Larsen despite her memory loss. Anya Banerjee plays Dr. Sonya Maitra, a 3rd-year resident with a self-deprecating and funny personality.
“Doc” is a significant addition to Fox’s lineup, adapting the globally acclaimed Italian series. Originally scheduled for the 2023-2024 season, its release has been delayed to the 2024-2025 season due to the impact of writers’ and actors’ strikes. The medical drama aims to fill the void left by the cancellation of “The Resident” and marks a return to scripted dramas for Fox after a fall schedule dominated by animated and unscripted shows. “Doc” promises an engaging storyline that delves into the challenges faced by Dr. Amy Larsen as she rebuilds her life and career after a profound loss of memory.