MTV Studios has made the tough decision to halt production on its animated film, “Jodie,” a spinoff from the iconic Daria series. The project, set to feature Tracee Ellis Ross executive producing and voicing the main character, Jodie Landon, will not move forward with MTVE Studios.
Originally conceived as a series featuring both Daria and Jodie, the project shifted focus solely to Jodie, with hopes of exploring her post-college journey in the workplace. Tracee Ellis Ross, Dermot Mulroney, William Jackson Harper, Kofi Siriboe, Kal Penn, Pamela Adlon, Zosia Mamet, and Alex Moffat were supposed to star in the feature, which promised to offer a fresh take on workplace culture and the challenges faced by young Black women.
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Despite initial excitement surrounding the project, MTV Studios has decided not to move forward with “Jodie.” An MTVE Studios spokesperson confirmed the project’s cancellation, stating, “Jodie will not be moving forward at MTVE Studios.” However, the studio expressed support for the creative team, including Tracee Ellis Ross and creator Grace Edwards, as they explore alternative opportunities for the film. The spokesperson emphasized their enthusiasm for future collaborations with the team.
The decision comes after years of development, with the project evolving from a potential series to a standalone film. The proposed storyline for “Jodie” was set to explore the challenges of entering the workforce for the first time, with a focus on workplace culture, Gen Z struggles, social media dynamics, and more. The series aimed to shed light on personal and professional issues faced by young Black women, incorporating themes of empowerment, gender, racial lines, privilege, and a sharp sense of humor.
Despite the setback, there is hope that “Jodie” may find a new home elsewhere, allowing audiences to experience the adventures of Daria’s iconic friend in the future. Until then, fans will have to wait and see what the next chapter holds for Jodie Landon and the world of Lawndale High.