In anticipation of the upcoming CG-animated feature, “The Garfield Movie,” Sony Pictures has released a series of character posters showcasing the beloved comic-strip cat and his companions. Scheduled for release on May 24, the film promises to bring to life the iconic Garfield in a thrilling adventure, accompanied by an ensemble voice cast led by Chris Pratt as Garfield and Samuel L. Jackson as his father, Vic.
The newly unveiled posters offer a glimpse into the diverse array of characters that populate Garfield’s world. Alongside Garfield and his faithful canine companion Odie, voiced by Harvey Guillén, fans can expect to encounter an assortment of furry friends and foes. Notable additions include Otto the bull (voiced by Ving Rhames), “A Cat” (portrayed by Snoop Dogg), Olivia (voiced by Janelle James), Jinx (voiced by Hannah Waddingham), Jon (voiced by Nicholas Hoult), Marge (voiced by Cecily Strong), Roland (voiced by Brett Goldstein), and Nolan (voiced by Bowen Yang).
Directed by Mark Dindal, known for his work on animated classics like “Cats Don’t Dance” and “The Emperor’s New Groove,” and featuring a screenplay by Paul A. Kaplan, Mark Torgove, and David Reynolds, “The Garfield Movie” promises to deliver a hilarious and action-packed storyline. The film follows Garfield’s journey from his cozy indoor life to a wild outdoor adventure after an unexpected reunion with his long-lost father, Vic. Together with Odie, Garfield finds himself embroiled in a high-stakes heist, challenging the comforts of his pampered existence.
Produced by a consortium of studios including Columbia Pictures, Alcon Entertainment, and Prime Focus, among others, “The Garfield Movie” is poised to captivate audiences with its blend of humor and heart. Following in the footsteps of recent successful animated adaptations, the film aims to charm viewers with its endearing characters and engaging narrative.
Watch the trailer below.