ABC’s hit comedy series, Abbott Elementary, is opening its doors for a lineup of new faces in the upcoming episodes of its third season. Following Bradley Cooper’s unexpected cameo, the school is set to welcome Keegan-Michael Key, Cree Summer, Tatyana Ali, Lana Condor, and Karan Soni as guest stars or recurring guest stars.
While the details of their roles and interactions with the teachers remain under wraps, fans won’t have to wait long to see these familiar faces in action. Cree Summer is slated to make her debut appearance in the next episode, airing this Wednesday.
READ: ABC Renews Hit Series Abbott Elementary for Season 4
The logline for Summer’s episode reads: “Janine spearheads a pilot program that brings a librarian to Abbott; however, when friction arises with one of the teachers, it strains Janine’s relationships with both parties. Meanwhile, both Melissa and Jacob deal with some big changes at home.”
Abbott Elementary, created by and starring Quinta Brunson, is a comedy series set in a predominantly Black Philadelphia public school. The show follows Janine Teagues, played by Brunson herself, an optimistic second-grade teacher navigating the challenges of enriching her students’ lives while balancing her personal life.
Tyler James Williams, Janelle James, Lisa Ann Walter, Chris Perfetti, William Stanford Davis and Sheryl Lee Ralph also star.
The series has seen notable guest appearances in the past, including Philadelphia Eagles players Jalen Hurts, Brandon Graham, and Jason Kelce. Other stars like Taraji P. Henson, Ayo Edebiri, Vince Staples, and Leslie Odom Jr. have also graced the Abbott Elementary halls.