The trailer for Chris Pine’s directorial debut film, “Poolman,” has been released ahead of its scheduled premiere on May 10. The movie follows the story of Darren Barrenman, played by Pine himself, a resident of Los Angeles who spends his days maintaining the pool at the Tahitian Tiki residential complex and striving to improve his city. Darren’s routine takes an unexpected turn when he is approached by a mysterious woman who tasks him with investigating a dubious business transaction involving a corrupt politician and a shady property developer. With the help of his friends, Darren embarks on a journey that uncovers hidden truths about the city and himself.
The trailer introduces the quirky characters surrounding Darren and sets the tone for the offbeat comedy Pine has aimed for. The star-studded cast includes DeWanda Wise, Annette Bening, Danny DeVito, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Stephen Tobolowsky, Clancy Brown, John Ortiz, and Ray Wise.
“Poolman” is described as a stoner comedy with noir elements, shot by Pine in 2022 during the pandemic and set for release in theaters starting in May. Despite receiving mixed reviews at the 2023 Toronto Film Festival, Pine remains optimistic about the film’s reception, expressing his joy at directing himself and describing the experience as the most creatively fulfilling of his career.
The movie’s synopsis outlines Darren’s journey as a native Angeleno fighting to expose corruption and make his city a better place. Pine hopes audiences will leave the theater feeling uplifted by the film’s optimism and escapism from the daily grind.