“Family Portrait,” a gripping new drama starring Jason Mitchell and Billy Britt Jr., is set to premiere, Thursday, September 7, exclusively on All Blk. The film introduces viewers to the intriguing world of Chamber & Chamber, where family bonds are tested and secrets unravel.
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Upon Kamara’s (Tiffany M. Snow) arrival at Chamber & Chamber, the stage is set for a fierce sibling rivalry between brothers Martin and Allan, portrayed by Billy Britt Jr. and Jason Mitchell. As the story unfolds, the shocking revelation of Kamara’s true motives sends shockwaves through the characters, leaving them in disbelief.
Directed by the Honesty J. Edwards and written by Thomas Cunningham, Michelle Lamb, Joyce Glenn, and Malcolm Carter also star in Family Portrait.
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The executive producer of the Family Portrait is Kip Clemons, who has been instrumental in bringing this intriguing story to life. As the premiere date approaches, fans can get a sneak peek by streaming the trailer for “Family Portrait” below.
Don’t miss the premiere of “Family Portrait” on All Blk on Thursday, September 7.