
In His Own Words: Jamie Foxx Speaks Out and Thanks Fans, Dismissing Rumors [VIDEO]

jamie foxx speaks out
BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA – FEBRUARY 23: Jamie Foxx attends the American Black Film Festival Honors Awards Ceremony at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 23, 2020 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images)

In a recent heartfelt video message, Jamie Foxx, four months after hospitalization, opened up about his recent health journey and expressed his deep gratitude towards fans for their unwavering support during this challenging time. Foxx clarified some of the rumors that have been circulating about his health, providing reassurance and setting the record straight.

“I wanna say thank you to everybody that prayed, man, and sent me messages,” Foxx began, acknowledging the outpouring of support he received. “I cannot even begin to tell you how far it took me and how it brought me back.”

The actor shared that during his recovery, he intentionally maintained a low profile, preferring not to be seen in a weakened state. “I didn’t want you to see me with tubes running out of me and trying to figure out if I was gonna make it through,” he confessed. Instead, Foxx wanted his fans to remember him in a positive light – making them laugh, entertaining them through his movies and songs, and exuding his signature charm and charisma.

Foxx expressed immense gratitude towards his sister and daughter, Marie, for playing a pivotal role in saving his life. “My sister, my daughter saved my life,” he acknowledged, recognizing the invaluable support and love of his family during his health ordeal. It has been four months since the actor was suddenly hospitalized due to an undisclosed medical emergency. However while his daughter, Corinne Foxx has been giving small updates, for the most part the family has been very hush about what was going on.

Setting the record straight, Foxx addressed some of the more troubling rumors that had circulated about his health. “People say what I got. Some people said I was blind,” he stated. However, with a touch of humor, he clarified, “But as you can see, as you can see, the eyes are working just fine.”

The rumors of him being paralyzed were also put to rest, as Foxx affirmed, “I’m not paralyzed.” While his road to recovery had its share of challenges, he expressed determination to make progress and come out stronger.

Throughout the video, Foxx couldn’t hide his emotions, expressing his heartfelt appreciation for the love and support he received from his fans. “I cannot tell you how great it feels to have your family kick in, in such a way,” he said, acknowledging the positive impact of the support.

Addressing some of the more absurd rumors, Foxx playfully dismissed the idea of being a clone. “Just kidding. Not clone, man,” he quipped, “but I’m here on earth because of some great people. I’m here on earth because of God, man.”

In closing, Foxx expressed his love and gratitude once again, assuring his fans that he is on the path to recovery and eager to get back to work. “I just want to like, say I, that I, that I, I love everybody and I love all the love that I got,” he conveyed emotionally. With his determination and resilience shining through, Foxx left his fans with hope and anticipation for his return to the spotlight.

We’re just happy Jamie Foxx is still here with us, period.



lisa coming to america“We’re happy to get the kind of money that jingles, but we’d rather get the kind that folds.” – Lisa, Coming to America

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