Jaylen Barron has landed a significant role in Ryan Murphy’s upcoming FX anthology limited series, “American Sports Story.” The series, an extension of Murphy’s “American Story” franchise, takes a closer look at notable sports events from a contemporary perspective. The first season, based on the Gladiator podcast and written by Stu Zicherman, explores the rise and fall of NFL superstar Aaron Hernandez, played by Josh Andrés Rivera.
American Sports Story unfolds the story of Hernandez, his identity, family, career, suicide, and legacy in sports and American culture. Hernandez was a NFL star arrested for the murder of Odin Lloyd in 2013, subsequently found guilty in 2015, and sentenced to life in prison. He faced additional charges for a double homicide in 2012 but was acquitted in 2017. Days after being acquitted of the double homicide, Hernandez was found dead in his cell, ruled a suicide.
The cast also includes Catfish Jean, Tony Yazbeck, Lindsay Mendez, and Patrick Schwarzenegger.
Barron will play Shayanna Jenkins, Hernandez’s fiancée, and the mother of their daughter. The series examines their relationship, starting from high school in Connecticut, and delves into how Jenkins stood by Hernandez during legal troubles, including his arrest and conviction for the murder of Odin Lloyd.
The anthology explores aspects of Hernandez’s personal life, including alleged affairs with men while in a relationship with Jenkins. Josh Cannavale is set to portray Hernandez’s love interest.
The series sheds light on Hernandez’s connections, with Jean portraying Ernest “Bo” Wallace, a friend implicated in his narrative. Wallace was convicted in 2016 for accessory to murder in the Odin Lloyd case.
Executive producers include Stu Zicherman, Ryan Murphy, Nina Jacobson, Brad Simpson, Alexis Martin Woodall, Brad Falchuk, Hernan Lopez, Marshall Lewy, Linda Pizutti Henry, and Ira Napoliello. “American Sports Story” promises a focused exploration of the intersection of sports, identity, and culture through the lens of real-life events.