Bounce Network, a subsidiary of Scripps, has announced the renewal of the popular dramedy series, Johnson, for its third season. The show, which features a predominantly Black male cast, stars series creator Deji LaRay, Thomas Q. Jones, Philip Smithey, and Derrex Brady with DL Hughley. The new season of Johnson will premiere on August 5 with two new episodes airing at 8 p.m. ET.
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Johnson focuses on four lifelong best friends, all of whom share the same last name in Atlanta. The show has gained a lot of attention for its unapologetic portrayal of Black masculinity, as well as its exploration of issues such as fatherhood, classism, and relationships between Black men and women. The series is a journey of love, self-discovery, and brotherhood told from the Black male perspective but is inclusive of all men.
Shot on location in Atlanta, the show is produced in partnership with Eric C. Rhone and Cedric The Entertainer’s A Bird & A Bear Entertainment, Deji LaRay and Thomas Q. Jones’ Midnight Train Productions. LaRay and Jones serve as the showrunners and executive producers, while Rhone, Cedric The Entertainer, and Reesha L. Archibald are also executive producers.
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The news of Johnson’s renewal has been received with excitement from fans and critics alike, with many eagerly anticipating the return of this groundbreaking series. The show’s continued success is a testament to its strong writing, direction, and acting, and its ability to touch on important themes and issues relevant to today’s society.
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