Tyler Perry continues to stay busy as he announces his next Netflix project, “Mea Culpa.” Perry, who wrote, directed, and produced the film, has enlisted an all-star cast including Kelly Rowland, Trevante Rhodes, Sean Sagar, Nick Sagar, and RonReaco Lee to bring his vision to life. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Talent Runs in the Family: […]
Browsing Tag: RonReaco Lee
90s Nostalgia: 7 of Your Favorite 90s TV Shows Are Coming to Netflix in April
Netflix is heading to the 90s and expanding their catalogue. And some of your favorite 90s TV shows are coming to Netflix in April. READ: Our 15 Favorite TV Doctors and Nurses on TV Right Now Your favorite 90s tv shows are coming to Netflix and they include In Living Color, Living Single, The Jaime Foxx […]