The first trailer for Titus Kaphar’s debut feature film, Exhibiting Forgiveness, has been released, offering a glimpse into the powerful semi-autobiographical drama set to hit theaters on October 18. The film, which premiered to critical acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival, stars André Holland, Andra Day, John Earl Jelks, Ian Foreman, and Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor.
Exhibiting Forgiveness centers on Tarrell Rodin (André Holland), a celebrated American painter whose art delves into the pain and beauty of his troubled youth. He lives with his wife, singer-songwriter Aisha, played Andra Day, and their young son, Jermaine. The family’s relatively stable life is disrupted when Tarrell’s estranged father, La’Ron (Tony Award nominee John Earl Jelks), unexpectedly reenters his life, seeking redemption and reconciliation after years of absence.
The film explores deep emotional themes of family, forgiveness, and the lasting scars of the past. Tarrell’s journey is further complicated by the influence of his mother, Joyce, played by Oscar nominee Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor. A deeply spiritual woman, Joyce is determined to see her son open his heart to his father, hoping that they can rebuild their fractured family.
The film’s first trailer also features the new song “Bricks,” performed by Andra Day, which adds another layer of emotion to this gripping narrative.
Kaphar, who not only directed but also penned the script, is joined by an impressive team of producers, including Stephanie Allain, Derek Cianfrance, Jamie Patricof, and Sean Cotton. Executive producers Stephanie Blackwood, Claire Brooks, and Kim Coleman, along with co-producers Rachel Halilej, Natalie Renee, and Michael VQ, contributed to bringing this heartfelt story to the big screen