The untitled Peacock series from The Office creators Greg Daniels and Michael Koman has announced additional cast members, including Duane Shepard Sr. (The Conners) and Nate Jackson (Young Rock). The duo joins a growing ensemble for the mockumentary-style comedy set in the same universe as The Office.
They join previously announced cast includes Melvin Gregg (American Vandal), Gbemisola Ikumelo (Black Ops), Domhnall Gleeson (Ex Machina), Sabrina Impacciatore (The White Lotus), Chelsea Frei (Poker Face), Alex Edelman (Just For Us), Ramona Young (Never Have I Ever), Tim Key (The Witchfinder), and Eric Rahill (Friendship). New recurring cast members Allan Havey (Loot), Mo Welch (Kwaczala), Nancy Lenehan (The Boys), Molly Ephraim (A League of Their Own), and Tracy Letts (August: Osage County) have also joined the project. Welch is also serving as a writer for the series.
The series follows a documentary crew—previously responsible for capturing the happenings at Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch—as they shift focus to a dying historic Midwestern newspaper. The story centers on the newspaper’s publisher, who is attempting to revive the paper with the help of volunteer reporters.
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Daniels and Koman serve as co-creators and executive producers, with Daniels bringing his expertise from developing the American version of The Office. Other executive producers include Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, creators of the original British series, as well as Howard Klein, Ben Silverman, and Banijay Americas. Universal Television is producing the series.
This project, described as neither a reboot nor a spinoff of The Office, will feature an entirely new cast while maintaining the original show’s mockumentary format. The concept was first revealed in January, with the series entering active development shortly after.
Stay tuned for updates as production continues on this fresh take from the creative minds behind one of television’s most iconic comedies.