20th Century Studios has released the first trailer for “Vacation Friends 2,” the highly anticipated sequel to the 2021 hit buddy comedy. The original film introduced audiences to the comedic chemistry of Lil Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, Meredith Hagner, and John Cena as mismatched vacation companions, delivering a refreshing blend of humor and mayhem.
In “Vacation Friends 2,” we reconnect with newlyweds Marcus (Howery) and Emily (Orji), who invite their uninhibited friends, Ron (Cena) and Kyla (Hagner), on a trip to a luxurious Caribbean resort. The stage is set for a series of uproarious events, as Marcus’ business intentions collide with the unrestrained antics of his companions. Kyla’s unexpected reunion with her father Reese (Steve Buscemi), recently released from San Quentin, sets off a chain of pandemonium that disrupts the meticulously planned vacation, transforming it into a chaotic escapade.
Directed by Clay Tarver, Vacation Friends 2 will welcome new faces including Carlos Santos, Ronny Chieng, and Jamie Hector.
The trailer provides a glimpse into the mayhem and misadventures that await, signaling the sequel will match or even exceeds the comedy of its predecessor.
So wheter you’re a fan of the first film or a newcomer, mark your calendars for August 25th as it will premiere exclusively on Hulu in the U.S., Star+ in Latin America, and Disney+ under the Star banner in other territories.
Watch the trailer below.