20th Century Studios has released the first trailer for “Vacation Friends 2,” the highly anticipated sequel to the 2021 hit buddy comedy. The original film introduced audiences to the comedic chemistry of Lil Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, Meredith Hagner, and John Cena as mismatched vacation companions, delivering a refreshing blend of humor and mayhem. In […]
Browsing Tag: and John Cena
Yvonne Orji, Lil Rel Howery are Back in Vacation Friends 2 [FIRST LOOK]
Get ready for more raunchy fun in the sun as 20th Century Studios announces the release of Vacation Friends 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the hit 2021 buddy comedy Vacation Friends. The film stars Lil Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, Meredith Hagner, and John Cena, who are all returning to reprise their roles in this […]