
A24’s Sing Sing to Release in Theaters and Prisons Nationwide, Excluding the Facility That Inspired It

sing sing theaters

A24’s groundbreaking film Sing Sing is set to make history on January 17, 2025, with a release strategy that redefines accessibility. The Colman Domingo-led drama will simultaneously debut in over 500 theaters and become available to nearly a million incarcerated individuals across the United States—marking the first time a feature film has been released in such a manner.

The movie, which centers on a group of men participating in a prison theater program, will screen in correctional facilities across 45 states, including California, New York, and Texas. This innovative rollout is made possible through a collaboration between A24, Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA)—the nonprofit organization that inspired the film—and Edovo, a nonprofit providing educational content to incarcerated individuals through tablets in more than 1,100 facilities nationwide.

“Storytelling has an incredible way of sparking hope and building connections, even in the toughest circumstances,” said Brian Hill, Edovo’s founder and CEO. “With Sing Sing, we’re giving incarcerated individuals an opportunity to see themselves in a story of resilience and transformation, and to feel inspired to imagine new possibilities for their own lives.”

Sing Sing tells the true story of Divine G, a man wrongfully convicted, who discovers purpose and hope through acting alongside other incarcerated men in a transformative theater program. Directed by Greg Kwedar, the film stars Colman Domingo, an Oscar nominee for Rustin, and Paul Raci, an Academy Award nominee for Sound of Metal. Uniquely, much of the cast comprises formerly incarcerated individuals, including alumni of the RTA program.

Among those performers is Jon-Adrian “JJ” Velazquez, who was exonerated of a wrongful conviction after serving nearly 24 years in prison. Reflecting on the film’s impact, Velazquez said, “My journey through education and the arts gave me hope during my wrongful conviction, restoring my faith in humanity. By providing access to the movie Sing Sing, we can transform lives in ways beyond our imagination.”

Originally released in summer 2024, Sing Sing grossed $2.9 million at the box office and earned critical acclaim, including a SAG Award nomination for Domingo and three Independent Spirit Award nominations. Its unconventional production also made headlines, with all cast and crew members receiving equal pay and equity participation.

This release builds on the film’s innovative journey, which began with a premiere inside the Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, New York, and continued with a screening at the San Quentin Film Festival—the first-ever film festival held inside a U.S. prison. However, the men currently incarcerated at Sing Sing Correctional Facility, where the story originated, will not have access to the film due to its unavailability on the prison’s Edovo platform.

The release coincides with a live off-Broadway performance of Breakin’ the Mummy’s Code, the play that inspired Sing Sing. The event will feature original cast members, including Clarence Maclin and Velazquez, and special guests, in a one-night-only production hosted by J. Smith-Cameron (Succession).

As Sing Sing reaches a broader audience, its message of redemption, resilience, and the power of the arts resonates deeply, creating a transformative experience for both viewers and participants. The film’s release in theaters and prisons alike symbolizes a step forward in fostering connections and hope where they are most needed.

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