In a high-stakes battle for survival against the backdrop of a suffocating New York City, Jennifer Hudson leads a star-studded ensemble in the upcoming apocalyptic thriller “Breathe.” Milla Jovovich, Quvenzhané Wallis, Common, Raúl Castillo, and Sam Worthington round out the cast from director Stefon Bristol and writer Doug Simon.
The pulse-pounding trailer, exclusively revealed by PEOPLE, showcases Hudson and her co-stars navigating a world devoid of breathable air, where oxygen is a rare and precious commodity. Hudson’s character, Maya, along with her daughter Zora (Wallis), are forced to eke out an existence underground, with only fleeting forays to the surface aided by advanced oxygen suits.
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As Maya grapples with the presumed loss of her husband Darius (played by Common), their underground sanctuary is disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious couple, claiming knowledge of Darius’s fate. However, tensions escalate as their true intentions come to light, setting the stage for a gripping battle for survival.
Director Stefon Bristol, known for his acclaimed work on “See You Yesterday,” lauds his cast for infusing the narrative with freshness and gravitas, promising audiences a “labor of love” that transcends the genre’s conventions.
Milla Jovovich, in a statement to PEOPLE, expresses her pride in collaborating with such a talented ensemble, highlighting Bristol’s directorial prowess. The film’s message, according to Bristol, strikes a deeply personal chord, urging viewers to confront the looming specter of climate change and its potentially cataclysmic consequences.
“Breathe” serves as a stark reminder of our collective responsibility to safeguard the planet for future generations, echoing the sentiment of a Native American proverb: “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, but borrow it from our children.” With its April 26 release date looming, check out the trailer below.