
Array Releasing Acquires Débora Souza Silva’s “For Our Children” Documentary for Netflix Release

for our children documentary

Array Releasing, the distribution arm of Ava DuVernay’s narrative change collective, has acquired Débora Souza Silva’s documentary ‘For Our Children.’ The film is set to premiere on Netflix on May 10 and will be available in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

Directed, written, and produced by Débora Souza Silva, “For Our Children” delves into the poignant narrative of two mothers, Reverend Wanda Johnson and Angela Williams, whose lives were profoundly impacted by police brutality against young Black men. The documentary aims to shed light on the resilience and solidarity of these women and others like them who have faced similar challenges.

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Array’s President Tilane Jones expressed pride in collaborating with Silva to bring these vital stories to the screen, highlighting the film’s portrayal of hope and resilience amidst societal challenges. Silva’s work has garnered recognition, including the Creative Capital Award and honors from organizations like the National Association of Black Journalists.

The documentary has already made waves in the film festival circuit, having been screened at prestigious events such as the San Francisco International Film Festival and the Toronto Black Film Festival. It features appearances by civil rights leaders and activists, further amplifying the voices calling for change.

The production team includes David Felix Sutcliffe and Adina Luo as producers, with Loi Ameera Almeron as co-producer and Myah Overstreet, David Magdael, and Vince Johnson as associate producers. The acquisition was facilitated by legal representatives Laverne Berry and Gordon Bobb.

“For Our Children” is not just a documentary; it’s a testament to the enduring strength of communities facing adversity and a call to action for a more just and equitable society. Array Releasing’s commitment to amplifying diverse voices in media makes this acquisition a significant step in bringing important narratives to global audiences.

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