Jacob Scipio, Bianca Bethune, and Dennis McDonald are set to reprise their roles in the upcoming fourth installment of the Bad Boys franchise. Bethune and Greene make history as the longest returning cast members outside of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, portraying Marcus Barnett’s daughter Megan and her now-husband Reggie, respectively, since their debut in 2003’s “Bad Boys II.”
Scipio, known for his role as Armando Aretas, the estranged son of Will Smith’s character Mike Lowery, will also make a return after appearing in 2020’s “Bad Boys for Life.” While specific plot details are still under wraps, the film is slated to hit theaters on June 7, 2024, a week earlier than originally scheduled.
The star-studded cast includes Paola Núnez, Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, and “Euphoria’s” Eric Dane. The “Bad Boys” franchise has a remarkable track record at the box office, with the original earning $141 million globally, the 2003 sequel raking in $273 million, and “Bad Boys for Life” surpassing them both with a combined $426.5 million.
Directed by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, the fourth film is set to continue the legacy of the dynamic crime-fighting duo, Detective Lieutenant Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Detective Lieutenant Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence). The movie will introduce new characters played by Melanie Liburd, Ioan Gruffudd, Joyner Lucas, and Tasha Smith, taking over the role of Martin Lawrence’s wife.
Sony Pictures’ decision to move up the release date reflects their confidence in the film’s potential success, aiming to secure a prime spot and avoid competition. Notably, one of the captured scenes during filming showcases a romantic wedding sequence between Smith and co-star Melanie Liburd, hinting at both action and emotional moments in the upcoming blockbuster.
As anticipation builds for the return of the iconic duo, the “Bad Boys” franchise looks poised to continue its impressive box office run, with fans eagerly awaiting the June 7 premiere.