Warner Bros. Discovery is set to release Urkel Saves Santa: The Movie, an animated holiday film featuring Jaleel White reprising his iconic Family Matters role as Steve Urkel. The movie, available for purchase on digital platforms from Nov. 21, follows Urkel’s attempt to spread holiday cheer with a device, leading to unintended consequences.
The storyline revolves around Urkel’s mission to make the holidays special, starting with a mishap at a local shopping mall that humiliates the department store Santa. In an effort to rectify the situation, Urkel’s invention backfires, complicating matters. With his intellect and compassion, Urkel takes on the challenge of restoring the holiday spirit to the city.
The film also features Nicole Byer, Roy Wood Jr., and Kym Whitley. Originally part of the Warner Bros. Animation lineup on HBO Max, Urkel Saves Santa was one of several projects impacted by the platform’s transition to Max.
The movie is co-directed by Bryan Newton and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, with executive producers Robert L. Boyett and Sam Register. The script, titled “Did I Do That to the Holidays? A Steve Urkel Story,” was penned by Wyatt Cenac, who also serves as an executive producer.
Jaleel White takes on the additional role of producer, contributing to the creation of this heartwarming holiday tale. The movie will be available for purchase on various digital platforms, including Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play, Vudu, and more.