In a heartwarming reunion, the iconic cast of “Martin” came together at the 75th annual Emmy Awards, captivating audiences with a blast from the past. Martin Lawrence, Tisha Campbell, Tichina Arnold, and Carl Anthony Payne II, the iconic quartet that brought laughter to ’90s primetime TV, shared the stage at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles to present the award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series.
The reunion unfolded in a unique way, as the cast was introduced sitting around a recreation of Martin’s apartment from the hit sitcom. The humorous sketch brought attention to the show’s notable absence from Emmy nominations despite its 132 episodes, massive ratings, and enduring popularity in syndication.
Amid the banter about the show’s Emmy snub, host Anthony Anderson injected humor by jokingly remarking, “Like me, for the last 11 times, you’re not going to get an Emmy.” The light-hearted moment added to the overall joy of the reunion.
The absence of the late co-star, Tommy Ford, who portrayed Thomas “Tommy” Strawn and passed away in October 2016, was acknowledged by the cast. They made sure to include a heartfelt tribute to their dear friend, emphasizing the bond that still resonates among the ensemble.
The Martin reunion was part of a broader trend at the 75th Emmy Awards, where the show’s producers aimed to celebrate TV history extensively for the awards’ diamond anniversary. Other reunions included casts from shows spanning decades, such as Ally McBeal, The Sopranos, Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update stars Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, American Horror Story, and Grey’s Anatomy.
Emmy Awards executive producers Jesse Collins, Dionne Harmon, and Jeannae Rouzan-Clay shared their plans to commemorate television history in a unique way. Despite time constraints, they aimed to deliver significant moments and highlight pivotal pieces of television history during the three-hour ceremony.
The Martin cast reunion at the Emmys brought back memories of their special celebrating the show’s 30th anniversary, which premiered last June on BET+. While the cast expressed uncertainties about a full reboot without Tommy Ford, they didn’t rule out the possibility entirely, leaving the door open for potential future endeavors.
The 75th Primetime Emmy Awards, initially scheduled for September but postponed due to industry strikes, featured Anthony Anderson as the host at L.A. Live’s Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. The ceremony, aired live on Fox, will be streamed on Hulu on January 16. Stay tuned to for comprehensive Emmys coverage and the complete list of winners.