Sanaa Lathan is set to play the infamous “psychic” Miss Cleo in a new drama series. The series, titled Miss Cleo, is a darkly comedic drama inspired by the true-life story of the psychic pay-per-call service star. The series will explores the intriguing and controversial life of the actress behind the psychic persona.
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The show will delve into the rise of Miss Cleo and the subsequent government court case involving over $500 million. Legendary Entertainment is developing the project, with Lathan serving as an executive producer alongside Sharon Hall of Mom de Guerre Productions.
Miss Cleo, whose real name was Youree Dell Harris, purported to be a Jamaican soothsayer and psychic, advertising her abilities in television commercials that displayed her phone number, leading viewers to the Psychic Readers Network, a pay-per-call service.
However, in 2002, the Federal Trade Commission launched an investigation into the Psychic Readers Network for deceptive practices, ultimately ending Miss Cleo’s psychic reign. Although Harris was not indicted, the company’s owners settled by erasing $500 million in debt from victims and paying a $5 million fine. Harris, who also voiced a character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, passed away from cancer in 2016.
Miss Cleo, the drama series, is currently in development and is expected to be pitched to streaming platforms and broadcasters.