NBC sets Fall premiere date for its new missing-persons drama series, “Found,” starring Shanola Hampton in the lead role of Gabi Mosely. Created by acclaimed storytellers Greg Berlanti and Nkechi Okoro Carroll, the show explores the haunting reality that over 600,000 people are reported missing in the United States annually, with a significant majority of them being people of color who often go unnoticed by the system.
“Found” boasts an ensemble cast of talented actors, including Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Kelli Williams, Brett Dalton, Gabrielle Walsh, Arlen Escarpeta, and Karan Oberoi. The new series will premiere Tuesday, October 3 at 10/9c on NBC.
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The series revolves around Gabi Mosely, portrayed by Shanola Hampton, a former missing person who now leads a crisis management team specializing in locating these forgotten individuals. Mosely’s character carries a deep secret, adding an intriguing layer to the storyline that is sure to captivate viewers.
Williams stars as Margaret, Brett Dalton as Detective Mark Trent, Gabrielle Walsh as Lacey, Arlen Escarpeta as Zeke, Karan Oberoi as Dhan, and Mark-Paul Gosselaar.
“Found” sheds light on the urgent and underrepresented issue of missing persons in the United States. Produced by Rock My Soul Productions, Berlanti Productions, and Warner Bros. TV, the show aims not only to entertain but also to raise awareness and provoke conversations about the staggering number of missing people, particularly those from marginalized communities.
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