Apple TV+ has set a release date for its highly anticipated real-time thriller series “Hijack,” which stars Idris Elba and Archie Panjabi. The show debuts with its first two episodes on June 28, followed by weekly releases. Created by George Kay and Jim Field Smith, the show also stars Christine Adams, Max Beesley, Eve Myles, […]
Browsing Tag: hijack
Idris Elba, Archie Panjabi, Christine Adams’ Real-Time Thriller Hijack Gets Release Date [FIRST LOOK]
Apple TV+ has set a release date for its highly anticipated real-time thriller series “Hijack,” which stars Idris Elba and Archie Panjabi. The show debuts with its first two episodes on June 28, followed by weekly releases. Created by George Kay and Jim Field Smith, the show also stars Christine Adams, Max Beesley, Eve Myles, […]