Netflix has strengthened its collaboration with Tyler Perry, revealing a new multi-year, first-look series deal. The first project under this extended partnership is “Beauty in Black,” a 16-episode drama written, directed, and produced by Perry. The narrative explores the lives of two women, Kimmie and Mallory, who, despite facing different challenges, find themselves intertwined.
This series deal follows Perry’s initial first-look film agreement with Netflix, established a year ago. Perry’s upcoming films for the streaming service include the World War II drama “Six Triple Eight,” showcasing the contributions of an all-black and all-female battalion, and the thriller “Mea Culpa,” featuring Kelly Rowland.
In addition to his work with Netflix, Perry maintains a television presence with over ten series at BET, including hits like “Sistas” and “The Oval.” This ongoing BET partnership, initiated in 2017 as part of a larger pact with Viacom, has been instrumental in Perry’s continued success.
“Beauty in Black” contributes to Perry’s diverse portfolio, highlighting his dedication to engaging storytelling, particularly centered around black narratives in Hollywood. As he expands creatively, this first-look series deal with Netflix stands as a significant progression in Perry’s impactful career.
Perry’s relationship with Netflix replaces a previous multi-year content partnership with Paramount Global. Despite previous interest in purchasing BET when Paramount Global considered selling the company, Perry’s focus remains on creating compelling content and expanding his reach across different platforms.
With a commitment to telling impactful stories, the extended deal with Netflix solidifies Tyler Perry’s influence in the entertainment industry, marking another chapter in his successful career.