In the realm of television, the iconic character of Lucious Lyon in the hit show “Empire” played a pivotal role in shaping its success. However, a surprising revelation has emerged, suggesting that Terrence Howard almost didn’t land the role, and Wesley Snipes was initially considered for the part.
Lee Daniels, the creator and showrunner of “Empire,” had envisioned Wesley Snipes as the ruthless Lucious Lyon. In the early stages of the project, Daniels expressed his preference for the Blade star. However, an unexpected twist in casting occurred when Taraji P. Henson, who portrayed Lucious’ wife Cookie, voiced her reservations about working with Snipes.
“Taraji says, ‘I really want to do this role with Terrence Howard,’ and I was like, ‘You ain’t got the job yet,'” Daniels recalled during a panel at the 2015 Winter TCA Press Tour. Henson was adamant that Terrence Howard be cast as Lucious, a decision that ultimately influenced Daniels and the casting team.
Contrary to the initial narrative, Wesley Snipes said that he turned down the lead role in “Empire” due to his commitments to feature films. Snipes emphasized his focus on movie projects, and instead, he opted to star in NBC’s “The Player.”
Reflecting on his decision, Snipes asserted, “They got the right man for the right plan,” expressing no regrets about passing on the Lucious Lyon character. Meanwhile, “Empire” went on to become a cultural phenomenon, lasting for over six seasons and securing its place as one of Fox’s highest-rated series.